Behind the Scenes at
Camp Ak-O-Mak

Camp Update: July 1-3, 2022

Camp is in full swing and we are enjoying all the beautiful sunshine that has come our way! On July 1st, we celebrated Canada Day with a lovely Canada cake that our baker Sheryl made. Every camper has now had the opportunity to bike at camp. Our experienced road bikers have been going out for early bird rides every morning and those keen to learn to road bike have been given that opportunity as well. All of the campers have also been out mountain biking on the trails. It is so wonderful seeing the girls challenge themselves to try something new.

Our four-week session is traditionally our paddling session, so in true Ak-o-Mak spirit the campers have been introduced to paddling in the racing boats. They especially enjoy the racing kayaks such as the K1, K2, and K4. This weekend we were so lucky to have Rosie our self-defence teacher up at camp. All of the campers had a self-defence session and were able to ask critical questions and learn techniques to help them defend themselves in the real world.

On Saturday we had our very first team comp activity. Team comp is the part of the program where the campers really get to show their creativity and ingenuity. The campers are given a theme and divided up in three teams. They will compete with their teams on a variety of challenges throughout the course of camp.  The theme of this session is “Disney Animals” and the campers came up with hilarious skits, songs, and backstories for their teams. The teams are The Rat Pack, 101 Side-o-makers, and The Lost Campers of Neverland.

On Sunday we enjoyed a regular morning of classes and then had a special out-trip afternoon. The whole camp paddled across the lake to Ahmic Lake Lodge to get ice cream and swim at the wonderful beach over there, fun was had by all. When we got back to camp it was time for a cookout followed by our Sunday evening campfire.

Mark your calendar

Make this their best summer yet.