Behind the Scenes at
Camp Ak-O-Mak

Camp Update: July 3-6, 2022

We are officially a week into camp! All of our campers have settled into camp life and routine nicely. On Monday we had our first ‘Mindful Monday’ of the summer. We learned a lot about mindfulness with Sheryl, such as what it is and why it is important to practice it. After our inspirational chat, the campers had their choice of mindful activities to participate in. The choices were: a peaceful paddle to the lily pads, a yoga class led by Jocelyn or a nature walk to the treehouse with Mackenna. It was a wonderful afternoon at camp.

On Tuesday we had a rainy morning so instead of our regular early bird the campers enjoyed a lovely sleep-in until breakfast. After breakfast, we all headed up to the pavilion for a strength training session followed by some stretching. We also played some active community-building camp games such as “hands-on” and “rock, paper, scissors – cheer squad edition”. The weather cleared up in the afternoon just in time for another team comp activity – Challengia!! The campers spun a paddle to determine whether they would embark on a challenge or answer a camp trivia question. Some of the challenges included: a dance battle, a paddle to orange rock and back, and a run up the road and back. The team spirit was at an all-time high and the laughter could be heard all around camp. The highlight of this activity was the challenge where the campers had to dress up their counsellors as their favourite Disney characters. The costumes were pretty hilarious and the creative presentations earned many teams some bonus points.

On Wednesday a select group of campers went off camp for a special road bike ride in Sprucedale. This gave the campers an opportunity to show off their newly acquired or newly improved road biking skills. Out trips are always an exciting opportunity and an excellent way to build confidence in a new sport. The rest of the campers stayed at camp and enjoyed a morning bursting with activity. Cabin One & Two faced off in an ultimate frisbee game, Cabin Three & Four competed in a soccer game, and Cabin Five had a well-spirited sandcastle competition. That afternoon the campers enjoyed some choice periods and then an open waterfront before dinner. We are loving the sunny days at camp and looking forward to the ones to come!

Mark your calendar

Make this their best summer yet.